Thankyou to:
> Andrew Lloyd Webber for his wonderful musical.
> The cats cast of 1998 for being the best.
> T.S. Eliot for his poems which inspired the songs for cats.
> Ourselves for thinking of this.
> The person who made Jenni's tail for her!
> Furrabel for being the first person to contact us! Hey, time you email us please put your e-addie so we can reply!
> own-free-website! without them this would never have been possible!
Jenni answers your questions.....
Why did you say Munkustrap and Demeter kissed?
Because they almost do and because what they do is kind of like a cats version of kissing.
Do you have your own song?
Why do you say there's gaps in between songs? In the real musical there isnt!
How else are we meant to add a story to it?
Does the person who is Jenni really love Munkustrap?
No....well.....NO! NO! I cant tell you.....
Why Did You End Up Choosing Blue 4 Ur Site ? (Furrabel)
Cus we couldnt decide between black and red. We asked our friends (Beth) what colour we should have it n she said blue! To visit beths sites go here or here!
Why does Lelita seem to have the hots for Munkustrap and Rum Tum Tugger? Does
she get with either of them cus she rox and deserves it. (Kittabelle)
That is for us to know and for you to find out! Even I dont know....only Lelli knows....
Why don't you get rid of the top picture on funky CATS-related stuff ? There is
a better picture on that other site, and by the way i looovvvve the one of mungojerrie and rumpleteazer!! (Blacki)
I think its cute! Lelli doesnt though....she thinks its demented! Oh by the way, Lelli drew this really good pic of Meistrap! I would tell you who that was but it would give away part of the story!
why dont you have pictures of you all dressed up like cats?? especially
Lelita... (mini-alonzo)
What, you mean photos? We hope to get them on once we've finished Lellis costume! Mine is finished though! yay!
Hey, Jen. I think we got ourselves a fan, besides my cossie is finished!
why doesnt lelli have a boyfriend yet? [or the cat version at least] if she does he isnt mentioned. i think shed be good with munkustrap becus they're both natural born leaders.... (lilicat)
Because we havnt finished the God damn story!
Give us time.....
This is to both of you. Why haven't you got toms? all the cats have got
'significant others' but you haven't! thats just cruel and whos meistrap? (demeter-is-me)
Ah, well.....we havnt got toms because the toms we love are already taken! If you erad the bit Lelli added to 'When Lelita met Meistrap.' then you'll see!
I've got a tom... maybe.
why do you have 2 do such good stories and keep us in suspense about what'sgonna happen ? and eny tips on how 2 write stories 2 a complete novice fiction author ? (Carly M)
Suspence is good! You wouldnt keep checking the stoires otherwise! Right, all you novice authors out there just right the first thing that pops into your head and develop and change things each time you read it through! If you come up with a plot it also helps.
Hey!!! I'm the fiction-writer here! I'm the one writing our book... oops. was that meant to be a secret?
Whi dont u hurry up an rite how jenni met morri ? (Kelly-Kat)
Because I was away for the week i was gonna write it but we're gonna try and write it together sometime in the next 2 weeks....we'll also need Duckies help though. (Duckie is the person Morry is based on.....You'll find out why we call her duckie soon-ish-ly)
don't u get some mor polls ? (Kelly-Kat)
OK then, we'll add some more....
You people don't half try to overwork us do you?
Hey. Jellykitten here... I wanna know why you moan so much, Jennifur... and I wanna know- do you hav sum1 2 draw ur portraits as cats becus I'm ace at them. (Jellykitten)
I moan so much cus I do....Did you know my fave saying is 'Thats not fair'! And Lellis drawing our portraits but once shes drawn them and put 'em on the site we'd love it if anyone sent in their drawings of us!
I wanna know why you bothered with this gay site. it's a waste of webspace. (Hanakat)
Its not gay! I yelled out that alonzo's gay in science today.....! Any way, are two CATS fans not aloud to create their own Fan-Fiction?!
Get Bent.
sorry guys . i dont have an email.why dont you get a page where you update us on when you have done more on your stories ? and thanx 4 puttin me on ur whys page and doing the cats cast list 4 me ! (Furrabel)
Ok, we'll think bout that....Oh and no prob! It was me who did that, not lelli, ME!
I was busy!!!
Can i ask you my own question?
Yeah, sure! Just go to the contact page and put the title as WHY?

Now I'm going to ask a question....Does no-one pitty poor little me? Most of the questions so far have been about Lelli.....
Becus Jennifur- we other CATS ahem... lovers think shed be a cuter kitten. soz (mini-alonzo)
Oh screw you mini-alonzo! What do you know?
HEY!!! Someone likes me!!!!
Yeah....we never liked Alonzo anyway! So ha....In yourlittle black-and-white face!
I dont mind Alonzo!
I like you. (Piirax)
YAY! Ta Piirax
just ignore them.but i think if u did something other than go on about
munkustrap, every1 would lyke u mor.
Yes but can i just say that I cant really help the fact that I like him....HES COOL! And i wouldnt be me if i didnt like Munkustrap and that would be weird!
because everyone on ur site has been hypnotized bi leli.they totally can't break
free and-g2g kelly-kat is tryin 2 snatch the keyboard......
KELLY-KAT! Dont be mean! Hypnosis huh? hmmmmmm......
because leli is more fanciable.NOT THAT I FANCY HER OR ANY THING!!!!!
ITS JUST.....does leli have a significant other ?
Um, I am single, for the time being...
Um.....I'm not gonna say anything.....Lelli you can take over from here....
Not saying..... if I say anything, Jenni will decapitate me. ((but shes dating a cornish cat, so no))
*Gags Morie*
*squeaks muffledly then licks Jennis paw*
EEEEWWWWWW! Morie, dont slobber on me! BLEH!
tee hee!
If you wanna tell me the answer to my question then contact us with the title as JENNIS WHY