Lelli and Jenni's Jellicle Junkyard
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The Jellicle Ball

( Lelita is sleeping. Jennifur comes looking for her. ) 

Lelli? Lelli? Where are you Lelli? Lelli?!

*mumbles sleepily* WHAT?

Lelli? Where are you? *lifts up car boot* Oh, there you are!


I just wanted to tell you that....

Hurry. up. and. spit. it. out. Need. Sleep.

Well, i just wanted to tell you that tonight is the Jellicle Ball!

  Hmpgh. you only wanna go becus your darling... *ducks becus cat in question goes by* munkissstrap. is going to be there

No, but i think we should go. We are Jellicles, are we not?

and munkisstrap will be there.

Munkustrap. Why do you keep saying that?

umm. cant tell you the first bit.. wanna hear the second part?

Um...do i want to?

i'm assuming so, seeing how your ears have magically perked up.

Umm....ok then *scratches ears* *mutters* damn you ears!!

Sorry, cant. hands are tied by the first part.

So why ask me if i wanna hear the second part?

To prove you lo-o-o-o-o-o-ve Munkisssstrap. *says loudly as said cat walks past*                             

Shut Up! Anyhoo, back to the original thing i was gonna say. WE'RE LATE FOR THE JELLICLE BALL!

Myah. *mews piteously* i dont wanna go.

But everyone is gonna be there! That includes Rum Tum Tugger!

Myah. so what. he has his slutty groupies.


he doesn't need me.

So? Dont you wanna go then? 

Mew. nyah nope.


The plan is set. we are staying here and munkissstrap knows the plan...

He....knows?  What did you say to him?!

Nothing of immediate importance.

No, seriously! What did you say to him?

As above, dear sister.

*Attacks Lelli* TELL ME!!!!!

*mews piteously* Lay off Jen. I haven't. Much. I didn't tell him that you love him.

*stops attacking* I don't!

So you wouldn't mind if I...

If you what?

Ummm... Errr... Pghfhfgh...

When is he coming?

Com....? Oh, about now.

*screams* Oh My God! Don't tell him that I love him!

Who do you love? Someone available I hope.

*blushes extremely* Doesn't matter!

*Jumps down beside Jenni*  No. It does. Tell Me.


She doesn't have to. * pushes Munkustrap with a mischevious twinkle in her eye*

Ok. *winks at a despondent looking Lelli* Bye honey. *leaves*

* a moment later* Oh! Thats not fair!

What's not fair?

He winked at you! 


He didn't wink at me!!

Grow up Jen.


Aww. well. anyway. Do you love him?

Ummm... well....well im gonna have to tell you sometime so....Yes...!

HA! dont you think everyone knows anyway??

um....I dont think they do.....

Yeh. they do.

What....*screams* You told them didnt you!


So how do they know?

Munkustrap told them.

And how did he know?

It was bloody obvious!

No it wasnt....was it? please tell me it wasnt!

It was...  *smiles at sisters misfortune*

awww... *mews* Come on then... I have to face it someday I suppose.

Come where?

To the ball.

Jen, it's 7:00 in the morning. It's over.

Oh...... lets go anyway.

ok. *coughs violently* are we going then?

Yes... are you okay?

mmhhhmmm.*sneezes* I'm fine.

If you're sure.



*rubs stomach and winces* coming...

(at jellicle ball, no-one there)

Well, we're here, but no-one else seems to be... *COUGHS* ...let's go.

Not until you tell me why you're coughing like a sick Pollicle.

Nothing, just sniffles.

You liar.


Tell me. Liar.

Okay, I'm not very well. Happy now? *exits angrily*

*quietly* no. *whimpers*

(on biggish spindlyish chairish thingish) [yus, im drunk]

Yeah... well. I'm only about three weeks, if at all...




The time is....  
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