*yawns and stands up* Must find Munkust...
*enters* Munkustrap? Does he live round here?
*Opens eyes and stifles another yawn* Who wants to know?
His sister. Meistrap.
He lives round the corner. *leans back onto the tyre* So what brings you to the junkyard?
My brother and I have er... business to attend to...... How do you know him?
He's the vice-leader and my boss.
Aha... soo.... who are you?
Lelita. *shakes paws, lol*
Who else lives here?
Pgghhh.. Do you want a list? There's a hell of a lot of us.
No... that's okay. who do you live with? *perches precariously on a broken amp*
My twin sister, Jennifur.
Is she your only family?
*nosy cow* No, we have a brother, but shut up about that, Jenni doesn't know.
*raises eyebrows* [do cats have any?] oh, ok cross my heart and hope not to die. *winks* See you around *leaves*
Er... bye.